AASLA is an association of people involved in all aspects of surface land acquisition.

Our membership, although comprised mainly of Licensed and Interim Licensed Land Agents, includes individuals closely associated with acquisition activities such as surveyors, appraisers, environmentalists, and lawyers. These members provide acquisition services for Oil & Gas, Pipeline, Telecommunications, Railway, Power, Transportation and Municipal requirements. Licensed by the authority of the Province of Alberta and the Land Agents Licensing Act, land agents have been providing acquisition services to these industries since 1968.

Our Association has been providing fellowship, education, information and leadership to our members for over 52 years. The renewed growth and interest in AASLA in conjunction with recent events and concerns in our industry lead us to believe that AASLA is on the right path, helping to represent and educate our members in a way which will benefit both industry and the general public.

The AASLA organization is run by a volunteer Executive Committee. This executive committee is responsible for the efficient & fiscally responsible administration of AASLA throughout the operational year of June to June. Committee members serve a two-year term and the time commitment is 4-8 hours/month during the operational year. These hours are credited towards the Land Agent Licensing renewal hours qualifications as 1 hour each. AASLA encourages all who are interested in serving the educational needs of the Land Agent profession to discuss Executive opportunities with current executive committee members. Volunteering your time towards serving AASLA and your fellow Land Professionals is a rewarding experience both in professional development and individual learning. If interested, a roles and responsibilities template can be provided to you by any committee member.

AASLA membership meets on a quarterly basis from September to May as well as hosts a full day educational seminar and golf tournament in June. This Educational Seminar is eligible for 8 hours towards land agent licensing requirements as confirmed by the registrar of Land Agents. At each quarterly meeting AASLA brings in guest speakers, whom discuss several different topics surrounding the ever-changing energy industry